The story of Bertha Fox, who fled from Russia to the USA, has long been in the making. In the upcoming documentary, we follow her grandchild on a journey through Ukraine to discover where she came from and what experiences she went through. Bertha Fox’s book has been published in the USA along with seven other books under the title My Future in America: Autobiographies of Eastern European Jewish Immigrants. In the film, she is brought back to life through an actress who plays the role of Bertha. Professor Daniel Soyer is also part of the documentary.Professor Daniel Soyer is a distinguished historian and a professor at Fordham University. Known for his extensive research in American Jewish history, Professor Soyer has made significant contributions to the understanding of Jewish immigrant life in the United States.

THE VERDICT - The Disturbing Duckling for the Supreme Court

I would like to bring to your attention an intriguing upcoming documentary on DK4. The 28-minute television program, titled “The Verdict – The Disturbing Duckling for the Supreme Court,” is set to air soon. This documentary delves into the controversial case of the artist Ibi Pippi, who is set to face sentencing at the Danish Supreme Court for his bold act of painting over a piece by the renowned artist Jorn.

The painting in question depicts a duck, rendered clumsily in gaudy hues atop a found canvas showcasing a serene pastoral scene. It stands as a prime example of détournement—a method cherished by the Situationists, which involves repurposing or altering existing artworks to create new meanings. Ibi Pippi, as he is commonly known, asserts that his act was intended to spark a public discourse on the nature of authorship. He argues that in destroying Jorn’s work, he is, in fact, continuing the legacy of Jorn himself.